
I heard this great song at church a couple weeks ago and got it on iTunes and listened to it all the way home. I thought it was just a really pretty song when I heard it in church but then when I kept listening, the lyrics just hit a deep chord in my heart…brought me to tears…I just have to share it with you…

I started thinking about how it applies to where I’m at right now…wrestling with God…hurt…angry…sad…

The lyrics just pierced my heart…
I could just sit here…wait for all your goodness and hope to feel your presence…
waiting to feel something again…
wow…those words were pretty straight forward…

I don’t know if you know this about me…but I HATE roller coasters…there has been limited times where Jed has convinced me to ride with him…and I hate every minute of it.
I hang on tightly…white knuckled…head down and eyes closed…
and then finally…it’s over…I’m back on solid ground…
I’m safe…

I started thinking about my spiritual life that way…when hard times come…and they have…
I just want to close my eyes and wait for things to be back on solid ground…
wait for smooth sailing…and go back to my comfort zone…but I might miss the ride…
letting him change me from the inside and letting those walls down…

But you have called me higher…you have called me deeper…I’ll go where you will lead me Lord…

But that’s what I want to do…just sit in his presence and wait for his goodness…
waiting to feel something again…
Those words convicted me…I don’t want the hard times to be a waste…because we have to go through them regardless…
I don’t want to miss out on what he has for me…

I will be yours Lord…I will be yours for all my life…so let your mercy light the path before me…

The featured image is from freeimages.com and the video is from youtube.com (featured image absent from email subscriptions).