
This year I didn’t really have any resolutions but one thing that I have been thinking about lately is the word intentional. A friend of mine mentioned that word to me and I’ve been thinking of some of the things that I’ve been wanting to do would require me to be more intentional.

…having that family over that you keep thinking about doing …doing things with the kids …posting more regular on my blog …writing that note to encourage someone

I have given that last one some thought lately…

Sometimes I have great intentions in my heart to reach out to someone and then life gets in the way and I just forget about it. Having been through something difficult recently, I realize how important it is to make that effort. Those sweet words or calls from people were just what I needed to lift my spirits during those hard moments. It may not change someone’s situation but helps them not feel alone during those times.


The featured image is from freeimages.com and the other image is from me (featured image absent from email subscriptions).